Thursday, October 2, 2014

comida rapida - fast food

jueves, 2 de Octubre de 2014

Comida rapida - fast food

¿Tienes hambre? - You hungry ?

¿Tienes hambre? translates more to "You have hunger?" which is how it is said in Spanish.

Tengo hambre - I have hunger

Tengo hambre is how you say "I am hungry". In English you would say I am hungry, so you would think it would be Estoy hambre, but you should use tengo hambre "I have hunger."

Comida rapida = fast food.
Categoría: Comer y beber , food and drink.

One of the things I always miss about summer or verano is eating comiendo the comida rapida at my favorite place along the river. ¡Ahora tengo hambre! = Now I am hungry.

Pictured :

Hamburguesa = hamburger
Las papas fritas = french fries.
Refrescos = sodas or pops depending on where you live.

En frase:

Me encanta la comida rápida en verano. = I love the fast food in summer.

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