Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bruja - Witch

Martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

Bruja - witch

Our cute witch or bruja has returned and she is flying volando through the sky, el cielo,  with her cat, gato. She passes la luna, the moon, and is probably going to a Halloween fiesta party.

Categoría: Días festivos - Holidays

Bruja - witch

En frase:

La bruja está volando en el cielo. The witch is flying in the sky.

volar - to fly
volando - flying

Bonus words :

gato negro - black cat
la luna - the moon
el cielo - the sky
escoba - broom

La luna está en el cielo. - The moon is in the sky. 

Buenas noches amigos y amigas. - Good night friends (guy and girls)

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