Friday, August 29, 2014

El castillo - the castle El rey vive en el castillo.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

El castillo - castle.
El castillo = castle
Hoy, mi palabra es el castillo. = Today my word is the castle.

En frase :

El rey vive en el castillo. = The king lives in the castle.

El rey = the king
vivo = lives
el castillo = castle

Thursday, August 28, 2014

el piso - the floor and the flat.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

 El piso - floor.

 Piso is used to refer to the floor, or an apartment or flat. I thought I would use a picture of a flat or apartment for todays word.
piso - floor or flat
Piso = floor or flat or apartment.

Bonus words

La paréd = wall
La lámpara = lamp
La televisión , el televisor = television.

En frase :

In reference to the apartment .
La paréd del piso es blanca = The wall of the flat is white. 
In reference to the floor :
El piso está sucio. = The floor is dirty.
El piso está limpio = The floor is clean. 

You could also use the word suelo, for floor.

El suelo está sucio.
El suelo está limpio.

I use suelo more for the ground. 

El suelo está frio. = The ground is cold.

un video sobre la ropa A Video About Clothes

Video from Thought this was a really great video and I ended up signing up for the course. Another Spanish course to complete.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The office - La oficina.

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

La oficina - the office.

La oficina - the office.
categoría - trabajos - jobs

En frase

Trabajo en una oficina. - I work in an office. 

Actually, I work in a retail shop. So I would say.

Trabajo en una tienda. - I work in a shop.  

You could reply (very informal) ¿y tu? - and you ? 
¿y usted? (a little more formal) - and you?

Bonus word. 

negocios = business.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

El mercado - the market Lets go shopping.

martes,  26 de agosto de 2014

Lets go shopping ! 

El mercado - the market.
El mercado - the market.
El mercado - market
En frase 
¿Dónde está el mercado ? = Where is the market ?

Bonus words.
¿Cuánto cuesta? - How much costs. 
Las verduras - vegetables 
Las  frutas - fruits

Some stuff I can see in the picture.

pepino - cucumber
tomate - tomato
naranja - orange
manzana - apple
las uvas - grapes
cebolla - onion

Monday, August 25, 2014

Vela - Candle. Today we study by candle light.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

La vela = candle.

Vela = candle

The Spanish word of the day is vela = candle.

vela = candle
vela perfumada = scented candle
luz de la vela = candle light
llama de la vela = candle flame

Bonus word.

huele bien = smells nice.

When referring to something that smells good, like una vela perfumada, or food you could say huele bien = smells nice. If you didn't like the smell you could say huele mal = smells bad.

En frase. 

La luz de la vela es romántica. = Candle light is romantic. 
La luz de la vela es relajante. = Candle light is relaxing. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Color Negro - Black

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Negro = Black

Negro y blanco = black and white
Negro = black
Blanco = white

En frase = in phrase.

El cuadrado es negro. The square is black.

Cuadrado = square

Gracias por leer - Thanks for reading,.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

El granero. - The Barn

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

El granero = The barn.

El granero = barn
En frase = In phrase.

El granero es viejo y grande. = The barn is old and large.

El granero is also sometimes called an establo.  I suppose if it's filled with grain granero is appropriate, and if it's full of livestock it would be safe to call it an establo like we use the term stable as in a horse stable.

Bonus phrase.

El cielo está nublado. = The sky is cloudy.

Note : O.K. this es y está are one of those things that really confuse the heck out of me. I'm getting better with it, I think, but here's a tip to help use the two properly.

El granero es viejo y grande. Is considered a permanent state so you use es. In other words the barn is always going to be old and large. It is in a non changing state.

El cielo está nublado. Is considered a changing state. The sky is cloudy now but the sky could be sunny later. So you can use está when things are in a changing state.

This is just one example of when to use es y está . I read this tip somewhere and it has helped me somewhat but I still get it wrong from time to time but hopefully I got it right now in this blog post ;) There are other occasions when you change it up, but I'm going to leave that for another blog post when I have a better understanding of these two words.

If you have any tips or a better explanation of es y está please leave a comment and share.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tableta de chocolate - Choclate Bar

Martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Tableta de chocolate - chocolate bar.

tableta de chocolate = Chocolate bar
En frase - In phrase. 

Me encanta el chocolate.
I love chocolate.

Monday, August 18, 2014

La moda - Fashion zapatos tacón alto

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

La moda - fashion.

Los zapatos de tacón alto = high heel shoes.

Los zapatos de tacón alto - high heel shoes

zapatos - shoes
tacón - heel
alto - tall, high

¿ Te gusta la moda?
Do you like fashion ?

You could reply either :

Si, Me gusta - Yes I like.
No, No me gusta - No, I don't like. 

Respuesta en comentario por favor.
Answer in comments please.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

La ardilla - squirrel animales

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

La palabra del día es ardilla. 
The word of the day is squirrel.

La ardilla = Squirrel
Ardilla - squirrel.

En frase. - In phrase.

La ardilla es linda.
The squirrel is cute.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

El Preguntón - Gisela Galvan-Rios - Spanish language learning

Found this playing around on Pinterest and thought it was a cute exercise in basic conversational Spanish. El Preguntón . The video covers basic introductions, where you live, age, set to a musical beat in a rap like format. Muy divertido, very fun.

La playa - The Beach

Miécoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

La palabra del día es la playa. 
The word of the day is the beach.

La playa = the beach.
 La playa = beach
Arena = sand.

¿te gusta la playa?
Do you like the beach ?

Si, me gusta. 
Yes I do.

Bonus word.

Caja de arena = sandbox.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Las fresas - Strawberries.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

Las fresas - strawberries.
Las fresas - strawberries.

Las frutas - the fruits.

Frase - phrase

no confunda fresa con frase
Don't confuse strawberry with phrase.

Las fresas son deliciosas.
The strawberries are delicious. 

Singular - singular
Fresa - strawberry
Plural - plural
Las fresas - straberries.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Aire Acondicionado - Air Conditioner.

lunes, 11 de Agosto de 2014

alrededor de mi casa - Around My House

Aire acondicionado - Aire conditioning.

Aire acondicionado = Air conditioner

Hace calor = It's hot.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

cortacésped -lawn mower

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Cortacésped - lawn mower

cortacésped = lawnmower
Word breakdown.

corta - can mean cutting, or short. In this case cutting.
césped - lawn.

cutting lawn.

Bonus word.

máquina - machine

máquina para cortar césped.
Machine for cutting lawn.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

El rastrillo - rake

Miércoles, 6 de Agosto de 2014

La palabra del día es rastrillo. 
The word of the day is rake.

El rastrillo = rake.
El rastrillo = the rake
Trabajar en jardín. - To work in garden. Yard work.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

Hacer una barbacoa - to have a barbecue.

4 de agosto de 2014

Hacer una barbacoa - To have a barbecue.

Hacer una barbacoa = To have a barbeque
Salsa para barbacoa - Sauce for barbecue.

Carne de pollo - chicken meat.

Me gusta pollo barbacoa - I like barbecue chicken.

August Update

July or julio was a great month. I learned a lot of Spanish. Towards the end of the month I hit a speed bump and was without an internet connection. So there was a lapse in posts towards the end of the month.I think I have the internet problems taken care of and should be back to my regular posting schedule.

I've been sticking with my Babble app for Android, and also watching a lot of Spanish language television. I find es y está very confusing, and  every month I seem to get a little better at verb conjugation. The main thing I discovered this month is I have a good understanding of what I'm watching on T.V. If I could speak as well as I think I understand, I would be really happy.

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. I'm going to try and write more on the blog , and include updates, tips, and any tricks I learn. I also want to start adding more videos and links to the blog.

Gracias por leer, Thanks for reading.