El primero de Octubre de 2014
The first of October.
I can't believe how quickly
septiembre passed by. I didn't post anything
ayer yesterday because I've been real busy getting the month of
octubre ready. I should of did a quick post , but honestly it just didn't seem like I had the time.
Lo siento, sorry.
O.k. I guess I should worn you all now. I'm a Halloween / Samhain nut, and the blog will be taking on a
Octubre / Halloween / Samhain type theme. I'm a bit of an all around holiday nut so the blog really will take on some different looks over the next few months, and the posts will reflect the season or as we say in
se dice temporada = you say season.
While we in
el estados unidos = The United States celebrate Halloween and Samhain, many people in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries celebrate
Día De Los Muertos or the day of the dead. I'm planning on learning a bit more about this holiday and posting what I find here. For now you could
check out this wiki.
Now that the cooler weather is here I should be dedicating more time to my Spanish studies as well. I really haven't had the time to check out the course at
spanishpod101.com. I got a free 7 day trial, and I think the site offers many freebies but course downloads cost $7.00 a month at the time of this writing. I'm thinking about signing up , they offer beginner / intermediate / and advanced. I enjoyed the little bit of material that I checked out. I'll probably post a more indepth review later in the month.
With that said,
mi palabra del día es octubre - my word of the day is October. I will leave you with the graphic of the day, thanks for stopping by and learning Spanish with me.
Buen día = good day.
Octubre = October. |