El primero de septiembre de 2014
The first of September 2014
Septiembre - September.
El mes es septiembre - The month is September.
Septiembre sol. = September sun. |
This summer really went by fast. I can't believe its
Septiembre already. Please forgive the shameless self promotion, but I was working on my design blog, or at least changing it up for the coming season and thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. I added the
septiembre to my blog header and used it for this post. If you're into web design and graphic design related stuff please check out the blog at
I thought I'd start
el primero de septiembre with a little blog news and do a general update. I'm an amateur photographer and I usually like to supply most of the pictures I post on the blog, occasionally I run out of stuff to post and have to find other resources. So, I'd like to give credit where credit is due and thank the fine photographers of
morguefile.com for supplying the photo's for the last two weeks of
agosto (August). If you're a blogger and ever need free stock photography to work with I highly recommend them. You can check out
my profile here. <-- more shameless self promotion.
¡Lo siento!, sorry.
This month I have a couple surprises and I think I'm going to be changing around the graphics a little bit. I've been wanting to try out some different designs so I think I'm going to try them on some of the posts here. We'll see how it works out.
So for a little Spanish related news…. I signed up for a free trial at
spanishpod101.com and really like the service. They offer a free month of service , and then membership plans vary, they have a $4.00 a month plan and I think I may sign up for that when my trial ends. I really like the podcasts, and they have fantastic pronunciations. In each podcast they use more and more Spanish, and less and less English. I think this process kind of eases you into a more advanced Spanish class, where only Spanish is spoken. That's where I would like to be this time next year. Anyway, try out the free trial, you might like it, and for the record, I'm not affiliated or profiting from the link, just posting because I feel it's pertinent Spanish news for this month.
On a final note, I've been plugging away at my Spanish app from babble. Free app link can be found in the sidebar of the blog. I do profit from that if you shop at Amazon, but only if you by something other than the app. I like the app a lot, I got side tracked last week, didn't do it, and had 150 words to review the other day :-( I'm all caught up now though.
Well, I'm looking forward to the coming month and the change of seasons. Looking forward to learning Spanish and sharing on the blog. Thanks for reading, feel free to comment, and thanks for following Mi Palabra Del Día.
¡Hasta pronto! - See you soon.